Monday, August 20, 2012

Hit me where it hurts, I'm coming home to lose

Less than a week and my brother's gonna move out.
Which makes me sad, because really he's like the best. Even tho sometimes he's really annoying, but he's the one that I complain about stupid/great plot twists on shows and books and well, everything. I complain a lot of things to him. Stupid things. Tho he said that I can still do it even tho he's not here, but c'mon! complaining at msn isn't even close to same than that when he's here and he can see my hands flail (also the jumping around sometimes) and if he says makes stupid comment I can't kick him. You just can't do that on msn really.

But then there's also this one good thing too out of that that he's gonna move out, because I CAN FINALLY GET RID OF MY SISTER. Because, see, when my brother doesn't live here, my sister can go take over his room and I CAN FINALLY BE ALONE AGAIN. She can take all her shit from my floor and from my shelf and move it there and she doesn't need to complain about my "shitty music" that's too loud. And I don't need to suffer that she's fucking always sleeping and she SNORES. REALLY loud okay? Okay I snore too, I think, but I can't hear it, so it doesn't like bother me you know. Oh and then there's that thing when she's up later than me and she keeps the bright light on obviously so she can see what's she's doing and that kinda really bothers me and I can't fall asleep even tho I really want to and.
YEAH. Now I just have mixed feelings because I'm sad because my brother moves away but then again I'm happy 'cause I get rid of my sister. I don't even know.

Oh and then next saturday is my cousin's wedding, I just hope it's not ridiculously boring like last wedding that I went to and I hope there's even SOMETHING that I want to eat because most of the parties there's just some weird foods that taste like crap. But I have pretty thing to wear at least :3 It's navy blue and there's white birds on it, it looks like really short dress but my mom called it tunic so I guess that's it, but it's really pretty anyway! :3 Even tho there's that big hole on the back which is little bit weird and then that too that my back doesn't look that great, but anyway. Then I need just like skirt with it and then I have black high heels and the heel is like 10cm which is nice since I'm like shortest person on earth.
But yeah.
I'm gonna stop now.


  1. häät olisi paljon kivempia jos kaikki toteuttais niitä suunnitelmia mitä ne laati tyylin pienenä pentuna. Tai jos kaikki vaan tekis ihan niinkun päähän pätkähtää.

    Nimimerkillä en mee naimiiin mut jo menisin niin menisin metsässä yksin sen olennon kaa ja pitäisin siellä myöhemmin jotkut hassut piknikit tai vastaavat :>>>

    t: Ninanen

    1. Hyvin luultavasti joo :'D Tosin mä en ikinä suunnitellu pentuna, tai no suunnittelin meneväni naimisiin parhaan kaverini kans mut siinä välissä en tajunnu mikä se jutun koko idea on X''DD
      Mut Nina! MEtsässä on hyttysiä haluaisit tulla hyttysten syömäksi siis? Mut piknikit on kivoja :3
