Monday, July 23, 2012


I was reading something on the other day and then there was like some 'smart' word that means something like, I don't even know, but like one of those words that I maybe should know and I was just minute ago reading something else and it read 'pronoun' and I didn't remember what it means, I mean simple as that, I needed to look it up from Wikipedia. I used to be really good at these things, like writing and stuff. I should definitely go to library and borrow something about finnish grammar then maybe it would come back to me and then it wouldn't be so annoying. That is thing I should do.

And that last line is almost same like in one ff and now I just want to listen to it again. Okay it was actually 'That is a thing you should do.' But WHATEVER it's so close. But I can't listen to it again atm because I need to watch one episode of Doctor Who before it goes away from Yle Areena.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello my good sir

Okay so HI I made new blog. I don't know why because let's face it, I have pretty much never anything interesting to tell because I'm ridiculously boring and everything. I just rant and complain about random things if I remember to do that. 
Like now.
But I'm not really sure if I'm gonna use this much, so this maybe just turns into desert where tumbleweed rolls all alone you know.
But we'll see. Well maybe not 'we' because I'm pretty sure I write for myself since no one cares or anything.