Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hey! the rails are gone now

Oh wow so last entry I made was Teen Wolf?? Ok so it started and wow the FEELINGS man, I can't take this. But the new season is amazing okay, even though ~pain and suffering all around~. But still, amazing. Some people say though that it's getting predictable or something but, um excuse me what????? I don't see that.
Also I could talk a lot more about how amazing the new season is but I'm not gonna do that right now.

And in related news: I PAINTED SHOeS!!!! THEY'RE PRETTY COOL. Very teen wolfy. Maybe post pictures maybe not, I don't know yet.

I'm just gonna leave this here because sleeping beauties.

But ok ok you know I got in a school, I'll be studying Horticulture(??) or something not sure, something flowery stuff anyway. Cool. I was so sure I wouldn't get in any school and suddenly surprise motherfucker!!!!1 and when I read that I had gotten in I literally started to like cry really hard wow. And like it starts next wednesday and I'm little bit terrified. It's so soon. And we can move to the dorms on tuesday and I have no idea what the dorms are like, except that they suck because well, you can't stay weekends there, you have to go home and alcohol is prohibited, not that I drink much, but the option is always nice alright. 
And like the most scary thing is like what if I don't make friends and and what if my roomies think I'm total weirdo, not that I would care much about that, they're gonna think I'm weirdo because of tv-shows, but I mean like how does school even work???? I don't remember. In my defense, last school where I was, was art school and I am pretty sure it's way different. But oh well, I don't know yet. 
Also how do you make friends??????????????????

Oh and you know that city library at Kempele is in the top floor of a mall. DO YOU SEE MY PROBLEM????