Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Draw me a story tell me a picture

Today I was on a walk with our dogs and then suddenly! dogshit in bottom of my shoe. This is one of the reasons I don't like fall at all. 
I mean I always hate when people don't collect their dog's droppings, it's not that hard, it smells bad alright, but c'mon you don't have to breathe that smell in okay? you can totally not breathe through your nose while you get them in the bag and then make a tight knot to keep the smell there. And then find nearest trash can. Easy peasy. But anyway why it's even worse at fall, is that it's dark and there's no street lights everywhere so you can't see the dogshit. 
And the dark, I don't like it. It's creepy okay! With all the creepy trees without leaves and sudden bright lights when there's someone with bicycle or when they don't have light. Is it really that hard to get light? Or when they have light but they just don't put it on. Seriously what's wrong with people? It's easy. And other annoying things about fall, the wind! The wind is from hell, or not really because if it would be from hell it would be warm, but well whatever you get my point right? the wind is cold. Oh and rain too! It's like raining all the time except when it's not.

But fall isn't as bad as winter, because when it's winter it's cold or freezing and sometimes it's so cold that dude, how can even breathe that air? and if it's windy, then it's really cold and the wind feels piercing and horrible and also the snow! All the snow and when it's snowing like a boss, seriously I don't just get people who love snow. 
Okay it's pretty, but that's all nice things about it, because it's cold and wet and slippery and when you have it on your pant leg and then go inside and it melts and then there's water everywhere! And your pants are dump and ugh. I just hate snow with power of thousand suns okay? And then there's also ice, and with my horrible clumsiness that's not good at all.
But then there's the pretty winter lights and candles and cute beanies and mittens and hot chocolate and wool socks or whatever they are called. So I don't know. Maybe I don't hate winter that much after all? Well I don't know.

And I'm gonna get new haircut on thursday, I'm excited, I'm gonna cut back to short because my hair is making me nuts. It's just too long. Well it's not really that long, but I've had long hair only for two years and otherwise it's been short so yeah, it's kinda long. But it's sorta really damaged too so it's better that it's short and it doesn't take so long after shower to get it dry and it's just really nice. It's gonna be almost buzzcut from the back and that thing is so lovely. Can't wait asujdxgbhfpäiök